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Add libraries to the project

Identify the libraries

There are four kinds of libraries:

  • The core libraries correspond to the Arduino SDK and include all the basic functions required for development. Each platform provides its own set compatible with the Wiring and Arduino framework. One single #include statement in the main sketch and in the header files includes all of them.

  • The application libraries are optional libraries to provide additional features, like managing the specific I²C and SPI ports. They require to be explicitly mentioned with the #include statement on the main sketch and listed on the main Makefile after the APP_LIBS_LIST variable.

  • The user’s libraries are developed, or downloaded and installed, by the user, and stored under the Library sub-folder on the sketchbook folder. They require to be explicitly mentioned with the #include statement on the main sketch and listed on the main Makefile after the USER_LIBS_LIST variable.

  • The local libraries are part of the project and located on the same folder as the main sketch. They require to be explicitly mentioned by the #include statement on the main sketch. By default, all the local libraries are included.

emCode also manages a variant for the local and user’s libraries, the pre-compiled libraries.

  • Instead of using the source code, the pre-compiled libraries are already built and ready to use. Just like the local libraries, they are part of the project and located on the same folder as the main sketch, they require to be explicitly mentioned by the #include statement on the main sketch and they are all included by default.

Locate the libraries

Locate the core libraries

The core and application libraries are located under the hidden Arduino folder, generally ~/.arduino15, and under the libraries sub-folders of the boards package folders, for example ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/libraries.

Locate the application libraries

The core and application libraries are located under the hidden Arduino folder, generally ~/.arduino15, and under the libraries sub-folders of the boards package folders, for example ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/libraries.

Locate the user’s libraries

The user’s libraries are located in the libraries sub-folder under the sketchbook folder, generally ~/Arduino. The ~/Arduino/libraries folder contains one sub-folder per library.

The users’ libraries should comply with the Arduino IDE 1.5: Library specification .

Locate the local libraries

The local libraries are located under the folder of the project, with one sub-folder per library.

The local libraries should comply with the Arduino IDE 1.5: Library specification .

Use the libraries

Just like any other IDE, using a library in a project requires specifying an #include statement on the main sketch.

Additionally, the library needs to be mentioned on the main Makefile to be compiled.

By default, the main Makefile lists…

# Application libraries

# User's libraries

# Local libraries

…with the following options:

  • All the core libraries are included.

  • No application library is included.

  • No user’s library is included.

  • All the local libraries are included.

If a library has been included in the main sketch or in a header file, it needs to be listed on the main Makefile to be compiled. This is a standard procedure

Use the core libraries

All the core libraries part of the Arduino SDK are included for compilation using one single #include statement on the main sketch. The same #include statement is also required on the header files.

To use the core library,

  • Add the #include "Arduino.h" statement on the main sketch or the header file.
// SDK
#include "Arduino.h"


This #include "Arduino.h" statement is compulsory for emCode.

Use the application libraries

The application libraries require to be explicitly mentioned with the #include statement on the main sketch and listed on the main Makefile.

To use an application library,

  • Add the corresponding #include statement with the name of the header file on the main sketch or the header file.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "Wire.h"
  • Mention the name of the folder of the library to the variable APP_LIBS_LIST in the main Makefile.
# Application libraries
# default = 0 = none
  • Set APP_LIBS_LIST to 0 to include no application library.

In case of multiple libraries,

  • Mention one include with the name of the header file per line.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SPI.h"
  • Separate the names of the folders of the libraries with a space.
# Application libraries

Use the user’s libraries

The user’s libraries require to be explicitly mentioned with the #include statement on the main sketch and listed on the main Makefile.

To use a user’s library,

  • Add the corresponding #include statement with the name of the header file on the main sketch or the header file.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "Ethernet.h"
  • Mention the name of the folder of the library to the variable USER_LIBS_LIST in the main Makefile.
# User's libraries
# default = empty = all

In case of multiple user’s libraries,

  • Mention one include with the name of the header file per line.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "Ethernet.h"
#include "JSON.h"
  • Separate the names of the folders of the libraries with a space.
# User's libraries
# default = empty = all

Remember, only the specified libraries are compiled.

  • Set USER_LIBS_LIST to 0 to include no local library.

  • Keep USER_LIBS_LIST empty to include all the include no local libraries.

  • Use the same procedure for pre-compiled libraries.

emCode uses the pre-compiled archives for the local libraries first when they are available.

To force the compilation of the local libraries over the use of the pre-compiled archives,

  • Edit the main Makefile;

  • Set USE_ARCHIVES to false.

# For building, use available archives, false or true, default = true

Use the local libraries

The local libraries require to be explicitly mentioned with the #include statement on the main sketch and listed on the main Makefile.

To use a local library,

  • Add the corresponding #include statement with the name of the header file on the main sketch or the header file.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "LocalLibrary.h"
  • Mention the name of the folder of the library to the variable LOCAL_LIBS_LIST in the main Makefile.
# Local libraries
# default = empty = all
LOCAL_LIBS_LIST = LocalLibrary

In case of multiple local libraries,

  • Mention one include with the name of the header file per line.
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "LocalLibrary.h"
#include "AnotherLibrary.h"
  • Separate the names of the folders of the libraries with a space.
# Local libraries
# default = empty = all
LOCAL_LIBS_LIST = LocalLibrary AnotherLibrary

Remember, only the specified libraries are compiled.

  • Set LOCAL_LIBS_LIST to 0 to include no local library.

  • Keep LOCAL_LIBS_LIST empty to include all the include no local libraries.

  • Use the same procedure for pre-compiled libraries.


A pre-compiled library can’t be debugged, as the code source isn’t provided.

For more information on how to generate a pre-compiled library,

Manage non-standard libraries

The libraries should comply with the Arduino IDE 1.5: Library specification .

Include non-standard folders

However, some libraries do not follow the Layout of folders and files from the official Arduino library specification.

This may raise issues during compilation.


The TFT_eSPI library includes header and code files in all those sub-folders.

├── docs
│   ├── ESP32 UNO board mod
│   ├── ESP-IDF
│   ├── PlatformIO
│   └── RPi_TFT_connections
├── examples
│   ├── 160 x 128
│   ├── 320 x 240
│   ├── 480 x 320
│   ├── DMA test
│   ├── ePaper
│   ├── Generic
│   ├── GUI Widgets
│   ├── PNG Images
│   ├── Smooth Fonts
│   ├── Smooth Graphics
│   ├── Sprite
│   └── Test and diagnostics
├── Extensions
├── Fonts
│   ├── Custom
│   ├── GFXFF
│   └── TrueType
├── Processors
├── TFT_Drivers
├── Tools
│   ├── bmp2array4bit
│   ├── Create_Smooth_Font
│   └── Screenshot_client
└── User_Setups
  • List all the sub-folders after USER_LIBS_LIST.


USER_LIBS_LIST = ​TFT_eSPI TFT_eSPI/Extensions TFT_eSPI/Fonts TFT_eSPI/Fonts/Custom TFT_eSPI/Fonts/GFXFF TFT_eSPI/Fonts/TrueType TFT_eSPI/TFT_Drivers

Exclude non-standard folders

Some libraries include additional folders and files which are not related with the Wiring / Arduino project and may interfere with the compilation.


The ArduinoJSON library contains the usual folders src and examples, which are consistent with the Arduino IDE 1.5 Library Specification .

├── examples
│   ├── JsonConfigFile
│   ├── JsonFilterExample
│   ├── JsonGeneratorExample
│   ├── JsonHttpClient
│   ├── JsonParserExample
│   ├── JsonServer
│   ├── JsonUdpBeacon
│   ├── MsgPackParser
│   ├── ProgmemExample
│   └── StringExample
├── fuzzing
├── scripts
├── third-party
├── tests
└── src
    └── ArduinoJson

However, the same library also contains the additional folders fuzzing, scripts, third-party and test, which may interfere with the normal compilation.

On a more recent version of this library, the non-standard folders have migrated under the extras folder.

As a solution,

  • Zip the non-standard folders.

  • Remove them.

  • Create a new sub-folder extras and move the non-standard folders inside.

Exclude libraries

Some libraries are specific to a platform but are included in a folder shared with other platforms, and some libraries may conflict with other ones.

  • Edit the main Makefile and edit the variable EXCLUDE_LIBS with the libraries to be excluded.


The WiFi library included among the core libraries is solely designed for the Arduino WiFi Shield.

With the Arduino 1.0 and 1.5 IDE, the WiFi is included by default in the compilation process, and raises error and warning messages even with the official IDE.

To exclude the WiFi library and avoid any unnecessary error,

  • Mention its name WiFi after the variable EXCLUDE_LIBS.
# List the libraries to be excluded
# For example, WiFi may crash on Arduino 1.0.2

To use all the libraries,

  • Leave the line empty after the EXCLUDE_LIBS variable.

By default, the EXCLUDE_LIBS is empty and the line has a leading # to comment it.

The parameter impacts all libraries, core, application, user and local.

Manage pre-compiled libraries

Generate a pre-compiled library

Before generating a pre-compiled library from a local library,

  • Check the header and code files are inside a sub-folder.
└── src
    ├── LocalLibrary.cpp
    └── LocalLibrary.h

In the example above, LocalLibrary.h and LocalLibrary.cpp are inside the sub-folder LocalLibrary.

To generate a pre-compiled library,

  • Presss Ctrl+Shift+P and type Tasks: Run Task.

  • Select the Archive target and launch it.

==== Archive ====
---- Generate ----
7.1-ARCHIVE       LocalLibrary/src/cortex-m0plus
---- Update ----
7.3-ARCHIVE       LocalLibrary/
==== Archive done ====

In the library sub-folder, the new folder cortex-m0plus has been created cortex-m0plus to include the new file LocalLibrary.a. This is the pre-compiled library.

└── src
    ├── cortex-m0plus
       └── libLocalLibrary.a
    ├── LocalLibrary.cpp
    └── LocalLibrary.h

The file has been updated with


The folder cortex-m0plus is specific for the Cortex-M0+: the pre-compiled library is valid for the board or MCU it has been compiled against. However, it may not work properly on other Cortex-M0+-based MCUs.

For more information,

Use a pre-compiled library

The pre-compiled user’s and local libraries are used the same way as user’s and local libraries.

Share a pre-compiled library

To share the pre-compiled library,

  • Just take the folder with the header files and the pre-compiled library, here LocalLibrary.h and LocalLibrary.a, along with

Remember this pre-compiled library is only valid for the board or MCU it has been compiled against. Do not use it with another board or MCU as it may not work properly.

Remove a pre-compiled library

To remove the pre-compiled libraries,

  • Check the header and code files are inside a sub-folder.
└── src
    ├── cortex-m0plus
       └── libLocalLibrary.a
    ├── LocalLibrary.cpp
    └── LocalLibrary.h

In the example above, the sub-folder LocalLibrary should contain LocalLibrary.h and LocalLibrary.cpp.

  • Presss Ctrl+Shift+P and type Tasks: Run Task.
==== Unarchive ====
---- Remove ----
7.4-UNARCHIVE     LocalLibrary/src/cortex-m0plus
---- Update ----
7.5-UNARCHIVE     LocalLibrary/
==== Unarchive done ====
  • Select the Unarchive target and launch it.
└── src
    ├── LocalLibrary.cpp
    └── LocalLibrary.h

The archive LocalLibrary.a has been removed and the file has been updated back to its initial content.